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Our History

Established in 1949, NZPI is Committed to Empowering Planners and Promoting Planning Excellence throughout New Zealand.

As part of a dynamic, varied and challenging profession, our 2000 members are involved in strategic planning initiatives and implementation of urban and rural plans. Planning is a complex profession requiring the input of a variety of different disciplines. Planners work in cities, suburbs, and towns and can specialise in, for example, transportation, urban design, or rural environments. They are students, consultants, planning directors, teachers, lawyers, and planning commissioners and each and everyone contributes to our communities, the Institute and planning practice. 

The NZPI has evolved since 1949 and is now a complex, albeit small organisation, that delivers training, networking opportunities, advocacy for its members, up to the minute planning news, accreditation of tertiary planning education in NZ and good practice guidance through the Quality Planning resource.

Membership of NZPI is the hallmark of professional expertise and Integrity within the planning profession and your key to success.



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